Ukraine: President Zelensky’s wife calls for “real humanitarian corridors”

Olena Zelenska, the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, has called on the World Council of Churches (WCC), an organization representing 580 million Christians around the world, to help organize “real humanitarian corridors” in Ukraine.

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“Knowing the experience of the World Council of Churches in addressing humanitarian crises, we ask you to help, including through affiliated agencies, Ukraine and Ukrainians currently fleeing war,” Ms. Zelenska in a letter released by the Ukrainian presidency.

“I ask you first of all to become mediators in the organization of real humanitarian corridors”, she added.

The World Council of Churches brings together 352 churches and other church communities from around 100 countries and territories including most Orthodox churches, a large number of Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, Methodist and Reformed churches, as well as many united and independent, according to its website.

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