Ukraine, pension reforms, Quatennens case … What to remember from the 8:30 interview

The deputy La France insoumise of the Somme, François Ruffin, was the guest of the 8:30 of franceinfo Wednesday, September 28. He castigated the “madness” of the pension reform and called to exceed a “false contradiction” between Fabien Roussel’s work value and Sandrine Rousseau’s right to laziness. Asked about Ukraine, he also called for an assessment of the European sanctions in place. Here is what to remember from this interview.

Referendums of Russian annexation of Ukrainian regions: “These referendums will not be recognized by anyone and not by the UN”

“These referendums will not be recognized by anyone and not by the UN”, declared François Ruffin, while the Quai d’Orsay made it known that France will not recognize the result of the referendums of annexation organized by Russia in four Ukrainian regions. On Tuesday, the Russian authorities in Zaporijjia, Kherson, Lugansk and Donetsk claimed victory for the “yes” vote in favor of annexation. “There is no recognition of this annexation by Russia”insists the deputy LFI.

On possible new sanctions, François Ruffin says to himself “measure”. “Military support for the Ukrainian people really worked, made it possible to contain the Russian army in an almost unexpected way” , emphasizes the rebellious who would like “an assessment of energy sanctions”, even if he was in favor of it. For him, the announced Russian economic collapse “did not take place”. “We have to wonder if it hurts the Russians or Europe more.” “If these are effective measures, I agree that we should maintain them, but we should have a balance sheet”concludes the deputy of the Somme.

Pension reform: “What the President of the Republic is about to do is madness”

François Ruffin believes that the formal passage of the pension reform that Emmanuel Macron is about to make is “madness”. The deputy of the Somme denounces “the constraint” and affirms that, for him, “this reform should not be done”.

The elected LFI believes that the timing is not good, after the health crisis, while the French are wondering how they will warm themselves this winter, which Emmanuel Macron has “was re-elected without momentum, without enthusiasm” and that he has “a majority of hiccups”. He denounces the “lies” and the “successive justifications” of the government to impose a reform that “has no use” and that “installs resentment in people’s hearts”.

“Work value”: “We have organized the mistreatment of work for 40 years”

“We have organized for 40 years the mistreatment of work”assures François Ruffin, returning to the “work value” defended by the boss of the French Communist Party Fabien Roussel. “The cause of unhappiness at work today is not the people who are at the RSA, it’s 40 years of globalization.”

“Those who talk about ‘work value’ every day, who celebrate it, are the ones who grind down work and crush it, who set up sub-statuses.”

Francois Ruffin

at franceinfo

François Ruffin wants “Raise the social security net and expand it. Young people are not covered by a social security net. It must be expanded insofar as they are in training and preparing to have a job. “You need an income for young people. It’s not family solidarity that is everything. The French have to live from their work.”

Sexual violence in parties: François Ruffin pleads for “a uniform national charter”

“We need a uniform national charter that allows us to say this is how we are going to move forward internally” after the revelation of sexual violence within political parties, proposed the deputy of the Somme. “In the parties, we should not wait for justice to have done its job, in two or three years, to put in place a sanction, to separate the aggressor and the attacked”, he defends. An idea that echoes what Socialist Senator Laurence Rossignol proposed the day before. Nevertheless, the rebellious Member believes that he “will have to” that this internal justice “graduate, hear people and accept that there is nuance in all this”.

François Ruffin thus responds to the Minister of Justice. Eric Dupond-Moretti, who on Tuesday denounced “private law justice that makes absolutely no sense” after the withdrawals of Adrien Quatennens, ex-coordinator of La France insoumise, and Julien Bayou, resigning national secretary of Europe Ecology the Greens. The first admitted physical violence against his wife, the second is accused of psychological violence by an ex-companion. Both are still MPs from their respective parties.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon “confused friendship with political reaction” on the Quatennens affair

In a first tweet, after the withdrawal of Adrien Quatennens, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had welcomed the “dignity” and the “courage” of the deputy of the North, who admitted violence on his ex-companion. Seriously criticized, especially on the left, he then published a second tweet in which he condemns domestic violence and supports the victims.

“Jean-Luc Mélenchon confused two registersanalyzes François Ruffin. He confused a register of friendship which is a register of the private order – one does not have to withdraw one’s friendship from someone when he faults or when he falls – with a political reaction of a leader of whom we expect him to defend these principles [de défense de droits de femmes], even when it is his own who are in question. It is this dissonance that has been perceived. From the last exchanges of Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the media, I see that he himself has perceived this dissonance and that he is trying to mend that.

Since then, Jean-Luc Mélenchon has declared that “nobody was perfect”. For Francois Ruffin, “it’s already a step”but he refuses to do “the psychology” of the rebellious leader. “A revolution is underway” and she is “desirable”for the deputy of the Somme.

Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” by François Ruffin against Salhia Brakhlia and Marc Fauvelle on Wednesday September 28, 2022:

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