Ukraine: new demonstrations for peace in several European cities

From Paris to London, Rome or Zürich, thousands of demonstrators once again took to the streets of major European cities on Saturday to say “stop” to the war and protest against the invasion of Ukraine by Russia.

• Read also: [EN DIRECT] 10th day of the war in Ukraine: here are all the developments

• Read also: War in Ukraine: the Russian army resumed the “offensive” in Mariupol, fierce fighting around Kyiv

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Last weekend, hundreds of thousands of people in the blue and yellow colors of Ukraine had already marched in Europe, from Prague to Berlin via Madrid and Vilnius, to denounce the Russian invasion and express their fear of an extension of the conflict.

On the tenth day of the invasion of Ukraine, Russian forces advanced into the country on Saturday, with fierce fighting around the capital Kyiv.

In Zürich, the most populous city in Switzerland, several tens of thousands of people demonstrated under the slogan “Peace now”, at the call of trade unions and left-wing parties in particular.

They were, according to the organizers, more than 40,000 people. The police did not give numbers.

The demonstrators, who carried “Stop War” or “Peace” signs and Ukrainian flags, demanded an immediate ceasefire, diplomatic negotiations and the withdrawal of Russian troops, according to Swiss public television SRF.

In Rome, a vast “peace procession” brought together thousands of people at the call of several unions and many NGOs.


“No base, no soldier, Italy out of NATO”, chanted the pacifists in this procession preceded by a large flag in the colors of the rainbow. Many signs also proclaimed “No to Putin, no to NATO”.

“This is perhaps one of the first real demonstrations for peace. Here nobody believes that we make peace with arms, that we make it by sending arms to one of the parties”, Ukraine, famous Italian cartoonist, actor and writer Vauro told AFP. Senesi.

Italy decided to send weapons to Ukraine but did not reveal the details of these military supplies.

“There are no just wars or smart bombs”, launched for his part the boss of the most important Italian trade union confederation, the CGIL (left), Maurizio Landini.

“We are all Ukrainians”

In Paris, several thousand people gathered on the emblematic Place de la République.

“We will be there every weekend, in Paris or elsewhere, until Mr. Putin leaves, withdraws his tanks,” Aline Le Bail-Kremer, a member of Stand With Ukraine, told AFP. at the initiative of the gathering in the French capital.


“It’s very important to be here,” said a protester, Bernard Arnaud, 47, blue suit and yellow shirt in Ukrainian colors. “Mr. Putin is so unpredictable. I will come back as much as possible”, he added in the middle of the signs “Stop War”, “Putin assassin” or “Save Ukraine”.

In London, a crowd of several hundred gathered in Trafalgar Square, holding placards reading “Putin kills” and “Total embargo against Russia” and shouting “Stop Putin, stop the war!”


“When the last Ukrainian soldier falls, Putin will come for you ladies and gentlemen,” proclaimed a giant banner.

The Apostolic Nuncio to Britain, Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, read a prayer, including saying “Today we are all Ukrainians.”

For Paul, a 35-year-old software designer who did not want to give his last name, it is “frightening” to see history repeating itself and “more must be done” on a humanitarian level and against “the propaganda from Russia.

In Zagreb, more than a thousand people gathered in support of Ukraine, holding placards reading “Stop the war, Save Europe”, and “Glory to Ukraine”. Many demonstrators had wrapped themselves in the Ukrainian flag.


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