Ukraine: Joe Biden threatens Vladimir Putin with sanctions “like he has never seen”

US President Joe Biden on Wednesday waved the threat of sanctions as Vladimir Putin “has never seen” in the event of an invasion of Ukraine, his Russian counterpart judging him that Moscow had “the right” to defend itself .

“I have been very clear, if indeed he invades Ukraine, there will be serious consequences”, “economic consequences like he has never seen,” Joe Biden told reporters at Home- Blanche, the day after a two-hour interview with Vladimir Poutine.

Washington, Kiev and NATO accuse Moscow of massing tens of thousands of soldiers and tanks on the border with Ukraine, with a view to attacking the country.

Russia denies any belligerent inclination towards Ukraine, from which it annexed the Crimean peninsula in 2014, but categorically opposes Kiev’s accession to NATO.

The American president has however ruled out for the time being the sending of American troops to support Ukraine, judging that the “sacred obligation” which binds him to the nations of the Atlantic Alliance “does not extend” to this country. .

Ready for military reinforcement

The fact remains that a Russian attack would lead to a strengthening of the American military presence in the territories of NATO members in Eastern Europe, Biden warned, saying he had promised to provide “means of defense” to the United States. Ukraine.

Earlier Wednesday, Vladimir Poutine had affirmed that Moscow had “the right to protect its security”, estimating that letting NATO approach its borders without reacting would be “criminal”.

“We can only be concerned about the possibility of Ukraine’s admission to NATO, as this would undoubtedly be accompanied by a deployment of military contingents, bases and armaments which threaten us, ”he added.

During his meeting with the host of the White House, the Russian head of state in particular asked for “sure legal guarantees” which would prevent Ukraine from joining NATO.

In spite of the gulf which separates the positions between Russia and the Western countries on Ukraine, Mr. Putin considered “constructive” his exchange with Mr. Biden.

“We have the possibility of continuing this dialogue, and it seems to me that this is the essential thing,” added the master of the Kremlin, who was speaking for the first time about his meeting with Mr. Biden.

Another lever used by the West to dissuade Moscow from invading Ukraine: the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany.

The new German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, threatened Wednesday of possible “consequences” for this pipeline in the event of an attack on Kiev.

“Our position is very clear, we want the inviolability of borders to be respected by all,” he said in his first interview after taking office.

The White House has not made it clear whether Mr. Biden raised this pressure tactic in front of Vladimir Putin, but US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan insisted on this “top priority” option.

For his part, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who for several months has been calling on his Western allies to support him more, judged the discussions between MM. Biden and Putin.

“We are now seeing a real personal reaction […] President Biden in resolving the conflict, ”he said. The US and Ukrainian presidents are due to speak by phone on Thursday.

French planes intercepted

Despite these statements, the situation remains volatile on the ground.

Thus, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that fighter planes from Moscow had intercepted and “escorted” three French military aircraft over the Black Sea on Wednesday, claiming to have “prevented any violation” of its border. Paris had not immediately reacted to the incident.

France, precisely, is one of the European countries which reaffirmed their support for Ukraine, the day after the interview between MM. Biden and Putin.

The French Foreign Ministry thus warned Russia of the “strategic and massive consequences” that a “new attack on the territorial integrity of Ukraine” would have.

A new incursion into Ukraine “would be a strategic mistake for Russia,” added British Foreign Minister Liz Truss.

Tensions are raising the specter of a new military confrontation in Ukraine, a poor country in Eastern Europe torn since 2014 by a war between Kiev and pro-Russian separatists in the east.

Kiev accuses Russia of supporting the separatists, which Moscow denies. The conflict has claimed more than 13,000 lives.

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