Ukraine: China can “play a major role” to “find a path to peace”, according to Macron

Beijing can “play a major role” in the conflict in Ukraine, in particular to “find a path of peace”, French President Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday at the start of a state visit to China.

The Head of State was speaking during a speech to the French community at the French Embassy in Beijing.

“China, precisely on the strength of its close relationship with Russia, which has been reaffirmed in recent days, can play a major role” on the Ukrainian file, said Emmanuel Macron, in reference to the recent visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping to Moscow.

“China has affirmed its attachment to the Charter of the United Nations. Territorial integrity, the sovereignty of nations are part of it. And I believe that defending them is also walking together and trying to find a path of peace.

Emmanuel Macron is in China for a three-day state visit. He hopes to convince Beijing to engage more against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and aims to forge closer ties with the Asian giant, a key trading partner.

The French president also felt that Europe should not “separate” from China economically.

“When I read the accelerated desire that exists to disassociate the major economic blocs, the path that we have taken in recent years with a lot of friendship, frankness but with a spirit of responsibility (…) is a realistic and ambitious path” , did he declare.

“We must not disassociate ourselves, separate ourselves from China”, pleaded Emmanuel Macron, but “commit with voluntarism to continue to have a commercial relationship with China”.

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