Ukraine accuses Russia of new night missile and drone attack

kyiv is calling on its Western allies to strengthen its air defenses to ward off a feared intensification of Russian strikes during the winter.

kyiv accuses Moscow of having fired four missiles during the night and launched attack drones from the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia, in the south of the country. “Fifteen [drones] Shahed and a Kh-59 guided aerial missile were shot down,” declared the Ukrainian Air Force on Monday, November 6, referring to Iranian-made drones. Eight people were injured throughout this southern region, announced Ukrainian Interior Minister Igor Klimenko, specifying that 20 apartment buildings, an art museum and various infrastructures had been damaged.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s chief of staff, Andriy Yermak, posted images of the damage after a strike on Odessa on social media, promising a response.

Ukraine fears that Mosocu will launch systematic attacks on its energy infrastructure, like last winter, imposing heating and power cuts on millions of people. kyiv is therefore asking its Western allies to strengthen its air defenses to ward off a feared intensification of Russian strikes during the winter.

An investigation opened into the death of Ukrainian soldiers targeted by a Russian strike

On Sunday, Volodymyr Zelensky announced that an investigation would be carried out into the death of a group of Ukrainian soldiers decimated on Friday by a Russian missile strike in the Zaporizhia region (south of the country). According to local media, around twenty members of an assault brigade were killed, while they had been gathered for a decoration ceremony near the front line. AFP was not immediately able to verify the circumstances of the attack.

A Ukrainian soldier wrote on social media that 22 people from the brigade were killed, while the army confirmed that a number of soldiers had been killed, without specifying the number. The Russian Defense Ministry for its part claimed on Saturday to have inflicted heavy losses on a Ukrainian unit in the Zaporizhzhia region, announcing that up to thirty soldiers had been killed.

source site-25