UK: US fugitive found after faking death



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A man accused of rape and sexual assault in the United States has been confused by his tattoos in Glasgow, Scotland. Nicolas Rossi faked his death in the United States to flee across the Atlantic, where he had taken on another identity.

It’s a run worthy of a Hollywood movie. Nicholas Rossi, an American criminal, who had faked his own death, was found in Scotland, betrayed by his tattoos. He has been wanted for two years on several charges of rape, sexual assault and fraud in the United States. His only distinctive sign, his tattooed arms. Last year, a nurse in Glasgow (Scotland) recognized tattoos on a patient hospitalized for Covid.

Nicholas Rossi is arrested, but claims he there has misunderstood. In a wheelchair, marked by the aftermath of the Covid, he says he is Arthur Knightan Irishman, forcibly tattooed in hospital. He says the confusing scar on his right eye is inexplicable, “it must be a photomontage“, he told the press. But the Scottish justice has just recognized Arthur Knight as being Nicholas Rossi, a man under the blow of a warrant of extradition to the United States. American justice suspects him of having pretended to be dead during his escape. A mysterious voice even called a priest from Europe to organize his funeral. Still claiming his innocence, he is waiting to be extradited to the United States.

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