UK strikes harden


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Like every day, the franceinfo evening news takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s Eurozapping on Monday February 6th.

In the United Kingdom, nurses were on the streets on Monday, February 6, for the third time in a few weeks. They require compensation for inflation. But Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is still turning a deaf ear. In England, paramedics decided to demonstrate on the same day. Further pressure on the conservatives in power. For its part, the government claims that it does not have the means to finance an increase commensurate with inflation.

Danes rally to defend public holiday

In Denmark, there is no question of abolishing a public holiday. They came from all over the country to gather in Copenhagen (Denmark) and shout their anger. The Danes want to defend a public holiday that has existed for 300 years. The government is counting on the money earned by this extra day of production to strengthen the army.

In Belgium, farmers are in disarray. With their tractor, they stormed the capital Brussels. Strangled by too low purchase prices, Belgian farmers are on the verge of bankruptcy. In the orchards, some have even thrown in the towel.

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Franceinfo selects daily content shared by European public audiovisual media, members of Eurovision and partners of ‘A European perspective’. These contents are translated and published in French.

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