UK policy draws criticism



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31 migrants died on Wednesday November 24 in the Channel. Pierre Henry, director general of the France Fraternités association, denounces the “shameful and deeply hypocritical policy” of the United Kingdom.

31 migrants lost their lives in the Channel on Wednesday, November 24, near Calais (Pas-de-Calais). On the Franceinfo 23 hours set, Pierre Henry, director general of the France Fraternités association, explains that it is a “Tragedy expected. We all knew that such a tragedy could occur. Since the beginning of the year, there have been 30,000 attempts to cross the Channel from Calais and the entire coast”. He estimates that “The policy that is being pursued by Great Britain is a shameful and deeply hypocritical policy. Why? Because of those 30,000 attempts to cross, about 15,000 were successful. These people were able to claim asylum and 50% of between them obtained asylum. This means that today, the policy led by Great Britain, and in a certain way accepted by France, could have been regulated differently and in particular by the opening of a legal migration route “.

With the strengthening of security, this type of illegal crossing represents one of the only solutions for migrants. The British are investing in this fight against illegal immigration and accusing France of not doing enough. For his part, Didier Leschi, Director General of the French Immigration and Integration Office (OFII), evokes “the mirage character of England”. “There are, for some people, no doubt, family ties, but there is above all the idea that England is a kind of haven of peace as soon as you arrive there and it is not exactly Besides, we don’t talk much about the real immigration situation in England, about these communities which are also places of exploitation of people since they go to work illegally to reimburse their smuggler “, he says.


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