UK government launches unilateral review of Northern Ireland protocol

This agreement aims to protect the single European market after Brexit without causing the return of a physical demarcation between the British province and the Republic of Ireland, a member of the EU.

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The British government presented to Parliament on Monday, June 13, its bill which calls into question the post-Brexit status of Northern Ireland. While the European Union last month threatened the United Kingdom with legal action, believing that its initiative was harmful to “mutual trust”London believes it can no longer wait, given the political paralysis caused by the Northern Irish protocol.

After threatening to purely and simply override this international treaty which it negotiated and signed, the government of Boris Johnson has chosen to legislate to modify it unilaterally.

“We are very clear that we are acting in a legal manner”, assured the head of British diplomacy, Liz Truss. If adopted – which could take months – the text “will end this untenable situation where the people of Northern Ireland are treated differently from the rest of the UK, will protect the supremacy of our courts and our territorial integrity”she explained in a press release, defending a “reasonable solution”.

She reiterated that London remains open to a negotiated solution, but on condition that the EU agrees to “change protocol” and not just develop it as is currently the case. The deal aims to protect Europe’s single market post-Brexit without causing the return of a physical boundary between the British province and the EU member Republic of Ireland, which could spark further violence in Northern Ireland. .

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