UK confirms release of two dual nationals detained in Iran

At the same time, the minister announced that the British government had settled with Tehran a debt of nearly 400 million pounds (476 million euros).

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They should be reunited with their loved ones in the next few hours. The British government confirmed on Wednesday March 16 the release of two Iranian-British dual nationals who were detained in Iran, stressing that they would return to the United Kingdom during the day. “I can confirm that Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori will return to the UK today” and “they will be reunited with their families later today”said on Twitter the head of diplomacy Liz Truss.

At the same time, the minister announced that the British government had settled with Tehran a debt of nearly 400 million pounds (476 million euros), which dated from the time of the Shah of Iran. However, the settlement of this debt “in full respect of UK and international sanctions”was not presented as directly linked to the release of the two detainees. “These funds will be reserved only for the purchase of humanitarian goods”said the head of diplomacy.

She also said that London would continue to work for the departure from Iran of Morad Tahbaz, an Iranian-American who also has British nationality, who has benefited from conditional release.

Iran and the United Kingdom are, meanwhile, engaged in talks in Vienna on a new Iranian nuclear deal, along with Russia, China, the United States, Germany, France and the rest of the world. ‘European Union. France called on all parties to accept the draft text currently on the table. “There is a critical urgency to conclude”pleaded Paris, Tehran getting closer to the capacity to manufacture a nuclear weapon.

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