The rebellious deputy from the North raised his voice in committee, believing that the session should have been suspended to allow LFI elected officials to go to the hemicycle to vote on their text. The scene shocked many elected officials present.
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A deputy who remains standing, in the middle of dozens of others seated. The examination of the Immigration bill in the Law Committee was disrupted on the evening of Thursday, November 30, in the National Assembly. For around twenty minutes, the deputy of France insoumise Ugo Bernalicis multiplied cries and threats to demand the suspension of the examination of the text.
“Suspend this commission! That’s democracy”, repeats the deputy from the North, who is the spokesperson for his rebellious colleagues, affirming that they want to be able to attend the debate taking place at the same time in the hemicycle, on a text coming from the LFI parliamentary niche. The Renaissance president of the commission Sacha Houlié first responded that he would suspend in the evening, at 9:30 p.m. when the amendments were examined in the hemicycle.
“What is this ?“, “intolerable“, stormed the LFI deputy, before outbursts of voice and tense exchanges in the Assembly hall.
“Stop acting like a rowdy kid.”
Response from commission president Sacha Houlié: “You stop behaving like a turbulent kid. Your variable geometry indignation is enough. You are not right, you are stopping your cinema.” Ugo Bernalicis picks up again, and positions himself in such a way as to prevent an elected official from the Liot group, Christophe Naegelen, from defending an amendment. The latter is then forced to change places. His colleague Estelle Youssouffa comes to his defense: “Your threats are shameful. You are giving a lamentable spectacle of democracy.”
According to several deputies, Liot deputy Christophe Naegelen and Ugo Bernalicis had a brief altercation. There have been “physical contact“, but “no violence”reported Renaissance MP Caroline Abadie.
After twenty minutes of shouting which made the debates incomprehensible, the session was suspended. Sacha Houlié warns: he will contact the President of the Assembly. Sanctions could be imposed following this scene which shocked many elected officials. “I too am going to ask for sanctions“, reacted Ugo Bernalicis.