The consumer association denounces a general increase in prices for five years, as well as a large disparity in prices depending on the departments.
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The UFC-Que Choisir reveals figures to franceinfo “worrisome” on the extent of excess fees charged by doctors in eight liberal specialties in France, whose prices vary depending on the region. According to this field study, the prices for a consultation are “up to 2.5 times more expensive from one department to another”.
Generally speaking, rural departments have basic rates (without excess fees) lower than those of Île-de-France and the southern coast. Thus, consultations with a gynecologist can reach 80 euros in Paris or Nice, while they cost on average 36 euros in Amiens (Somme) or Alençon (Orne), for an average price of 50.6 euros. For consultations with an anesthesiologist, prices can also double depending on the department.
Between “geographic desert” and “financial desert”
The consumer association thus points out the alternative faced by French people throughout the country: a “geographic desert” (few doctors) or “a financial desert” (more numerous doctors but at very high prices). The UFC-Que Choisir also denounces “the intolerable neglect of the authorities”with an increase in prices visible for five years.
In order to limit the gap between the base rate and the rate charged, the Federal Consumers’ Union is calling in particular for young specialist doctors to no longer be able to impose excess fees at the start of their careers.