UEFA sends its “sincere apologies” to the fans

“No football fan should be put in this situation, and it must not happen again”insisted the European body.

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Excuses a week after the incidents in the Champions League final. UEFA presented on Friday 3 June its “sincere apologies” to supporters who have “had to undergo” them “painful events” surrounding the Champions League final on Saturday at the Stade de France, or “to attend”.

“No football fan should be put in this situation, and it must not happen again”, insists the European body. It specifies in passing the objectives of the investigation ordered Monday into the circumstances of the meeting between Real Madrid and Liverpool.

Entrusted to the former Portuguese Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, this report should “identify gaps and responsibilitiesés of all the entities involved in the organization of the final”. In detail, it will have to evaluate “all relevant operational plans related to security, mobility, ticketing”as well as “planning and preparation” of the various actors involved, “including on sites” separate from the stadium such as meeting points for supporters.

Tiago Brandao Rodrigues will contact the representatives of the supporters, the two clubs, “spectators in general, the French Football Federation (FFF), the police, national and local authorities and the stadium operator”lists UEFA.

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