The platform has launched a new pricing system that the Union Indépendants union accuses of causing a “drastic drop in remuneration”.
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Several unions have called Uber Eats delivery workers for a national strike on December 2 and 3 over the pay change “without consultation” by the meal delivery platform. “Since November 1, all Uber Eats delivery drivers have suffered a significant drop in their income” after “the implementation of a new algorithm, opaque and incomprehensible, calculating the amount of their shopping”denounced the CGT and Union Indépendants on Monday, November 13.
“We are actually calling on all delivery people from all platforms to mobilize, because if the remuneration at Uber Eats is not good, it is at the same level for most platforms”, specified Fabian Tosolini, of Union Indépendants, to AFP. The new pricing system implemented throughout France by Uber Eats is causing a “drastic drop in remuneration”estimated from 10% to 40% “compared to the previous price list”denounces Union Indépendants.
“While this change may cause certain races to vary upwards or downwards, it is not intended to reduce the average remuneration per race”, defends the platform, which has 65,000 independent delivery people in France. In the three pilot cities where the experiment was launched (Avignon, Lille and Rouen), “the average remuneration for races (…) remained stable with an average increase in income per race of 1.4%”, she assured AFP.