U Mele in Festa

The organizers especially want to honor the Corsican beekeepers and the many craftsmen, who will be present to offer their local products.

Many activities on the theme of honey will be offered by the AOP Miel de Corse – Mele di Corsica: Presentation of the range of honeys, life in a hive…

A Casa di u Mele will be open all day and will offer honey tastings and lead workshops for children. The association also offers a menu on the theme of honey which will be served under the marquee. From a practical point of view, free car parks will be available to visitors and free shuttles will be set up to reach the fairgrounds.

  • 10 a.m.: opening of the Fair
  • 10:30 a.m.: mass sung by I Muvrini
  • 12:30 p.m.: meal with honey €25

The groups Incantesimu and Eppo will ensure the atmosphere throughout the afternoon. At the end of the day, a raffle will also be organized with prizes donated by traders from all over Corsica.

source site-36