Tyler Sanders: Death at only 18 years of the actor of Fear The Walking Dead, an autopsy claimed

But what could have happened to the young American actor Tyler Sanders ? At 18, the young man seemed to have his whole life ahead of him and the doors of all of Hollywood wide open… Unfortunately, nothing will happen, since his agent has announced his death to the site TMZ this Saturday, June 18, 2022, without revealing the causes. Recalling only that his client was a “good boy from a good family“, he spoke of his precocious talent, he who had started his career very young.

If his name may not mean anything to you, you have certainly seen him in an American series in recent years: his first role was that of a very young teenager, Leo, in the series Amazon Just Add Magic: Mystery City and immediately earned him… an Emmy nomination! Regularly on screen, he then held a small role in season 3 of Fear The Walking Dead (the series derived from the one with the zombies) then in 9-1-1 Lone Star.

But lately, according to his Facebook page, he had announced to his fans that he wanted to get into stand-up, a project that he will therefore not be able to complete but which may suggest that he will not would not have killed himself. An investigation was in any case opened by the police, who requested an autopsy to determine the causes of his death.

In the meantime, his family, with whom he had spent a good time in the mountains in recent days according to his publications on Instagram, will have to begin a long process of mourning for this young boy who was rejoicing on Instagram to be 18 years old, he a few months ago. A family touched by grief, whose agent has also asked to respect silence and meditation in a very emotional message.

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