two years after the start of the Covid crisis, “companies still have to repay 13.4 billion euros”

During the Covid crisis, the State implemented exceptional measures including exemptions or reductions in social security contributions. Yann-Gaël Amghar, director general of Urssaf warns that “reminders” will be sent for companies that have not reimbursed what they owe.

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“In total, the deferrals of contributions – during the Covid crisis – for companies and for the self-employed reached 23 billion euros, unheard of”, says Wednesday, October 12 on franceinfo Yann-Gaël Amghar, director general of Urssaf, whose role is, among other things, to collect social security contributions from companies. He points out that two years later, “Companies still have to reimburse 13.4 billion euros today”.

“Companies have repaid almost half of what they owed, which is very satisfying.”

Yann-Gaël Amghar


Yann-Gaël Amghar also takes stock of the current entrepreneurial situation. According to him, “the level of hiring is 15% above what we had before the crisis.” Regarding business failures, again he wants to be reassuring: “We have a number of business failures below what we had before the crisis. We have several well-oriented elements.”

Still according to him, the majority of companies reimburse what they owe or will do. For the others, he announces that he has “started recoveries gradually” and specifies: “In the fall we send reminders and then formal notices for companies that do not react.” Finally, Yann-Gaël Amghar advises companies: “If you are unable to pay immediately contact us”.

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