On May 20, Frédéric Mellet was indicted for the murder of his wife before being remanded in custody. An incomprehensible situation for the daughters of this goat breeder who do not believe in the guilt of their father. For them, Frédéric Mellet has ” absolutely nothing to see “in the disappearance of their mother which occurred on July 2, 2020, reports the Parisian. ” There is nothing that proves that my father is guilty, the investigators are based only on rumors that circulate in the village “, entrusts in particular one of the girls to our colleagues. ” He’s behind bars just because investigators have no leads. It’s relentlessness “.
For her, their mother could very well have made the decision to dump everything on a whim. A few weeks before the facts, she had also mentioned her desire to leave everything to run away with her lover. Chantal Mellet, 55, passed away two years ago. According to information from the Parisian, the mother of the family had gone to her laboratory to make cheeses before giving no sign of life.
“When I looked for her, there was no one left”
In a recent interview for France Bleu Auxerre, her husband confided that everything seemed normal. ” I disturbed her for two minutes, I said to her: ‘When you’re finished, we’ll have to talk about a personal subject. “, he explained to the microphone of our colleagues. A conversation that will never take place since, shortly after, Chantal had disappeared. ” When I looked for her at nine o’clock, there was no one there “, had explained the farmer. After hours of research, he then contacted the gendarmerie.
Nowadays, ” no scientific evidence ” does not allow us to affirm that Frédéric Mellet is at the origin of the disappearance of his wife. However, investigators are said to have discovered many ” inconsistencies between the stories of different family members… “, indicates Hugues de Phily, prosecutor of Auxerre, in Parisian.
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