two years after its creation, what success for “My health space”?

Some 11 million French people, or more than 15% of the population, use “My Health Space”, the digital health record. The government has scheduled the implementation of new services by 2027.


Reading time: 2 min

No less than 20 million health documents are sent each month by professionals on "My health space (illustrative photo, February 4, 2022. (XOSE BOUZAS / HANS LUCAS)

Connected health is becoming part of our habits. Nine out of ten French people have already used a digital tool at least once for their medical monitoring, whether for making an appointment, a teleconsultation, an exchange with Health Insurance or their mutual insurance company. Two years after its creation, more than 80% of French people also say they know the site, “My health space”, the digital safe which allows them to keep the history of blood tests, consultation reports, prescriptions, etc., and which the authorities hope will one day make us forget the paper health record, still useful for children, but often lost among adults.

At this stage, on the patient side, 11 million people, or 15% of the population, have activated this medical file, indicates the digital health delegation. On the professional side, medical analysis laboratories and hospitals are the most numerous organizations supplying it. No less than 20 million health documents are sent there each month.

An activation on the internet

The supervision by the Ministry of Health is obviously very strict for the “My health space” site. Each social security holder automatically has this safe. All you have to do is activate it online, using your health card. The data is hosted in France, by two companies certified as health data hosts. Only the patient can access his medical file as well as the doctors he consults, if he authorizes them to do so.

The government has scheduled the implementation of new digital services by 2027. By the end of 2024, the Health Insurance fund should be able to send notifications such as reminders to this digital health record. vaccinations, for example. By 2025, medical imaging reports should also be able to be stored there. And for 2026, there is the objective of being able to share health data with other European countries to facilitate care abroad, particularly in emergencies. A point on which consumer associations, including UFC Que Choisir, are calling for the greatest vigilance, particularly regarding the explicit consent of the user.

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