two years after her death, Anne Sylvestre takes us on the most beautiful ride

Anne Sylvestre left us two years ago, on November 30, 2020. At the end of a rich and dense career with longevity commanding respect, the singer had started a singing tour in 2019 entitled rides. Sixty two years that she was performing on stage. These last concerts had been an opportunity for the public to discover new songs, such as text, mom the singer and the title track rides. A disc of the same name was released on November 25, with in addition to these three titles, two others recorded in the studio, Beating heart and With you the delugeas well as two instrumentals performed during a double tribute concert at La Cigale, in Paris, on November 30 and December 1, 2021. Seven posthumous pieces, where the singer seems more alive than ever.

Even if she tells us that “the party is over”the title song celebrates the time of childhood, that of “little blue boats in single file”, wooden horses, unicorns and golden bicycles. Anne Sylvestre gives us a song-poem in the form of reverence as if she seemed to be telling us that it is time for her to “to regain [son] childhood where [elle] left her.”

However, when the singer begins recording this new album in 2019, she does not imagine that it will be the last. She is still very active. She composes and writes, gives a new show, and participates in the album of Gauvain Sers The forgottensinging a duet with the young man from Creuse, a text charged with symbolism for the woman who already had more than 60 years of career behind her: There is no retirement for artists.

In these five new songs, we find all the spirit of Anne Sylvestre. We hear poetry on the meaning of life “over too quickly” and that we are “never sure to have understood everything” in rides. We are alerted by the climate emergency in With you the deluge, but always in a tone that is both serious and facetious, or how environmental disasters could reveal the best of ourselves. And this way of reclaiming the common expression “after me the deluge” turning it away. Playing with words, love of the French language, always. Precisely the words that get lost in the Texting and that you have to re-tame to write and say sweet and sincere words to each other.

This disc is also Anne Sylvestre’s amused and ironic look at herself as a woman and an artist. mom the singer would seem almost in a tone close to the Fabulettes, but it is to reveal an intimate text in a game of mirrors. Even more personal Beating heart expresses the singer’s relationship with her audience. A heart that beats to the beat of a drum, for a life lived with passion.

This disc-testament of the singer, for young and old, brings the final touch to a box of 19 CDs covering her entire career, to which we can add the 18 CDs of Fabulettes. With these seven pieces with delicate orchestrations that her former arranger François Rauber would undoubtedly have appreciated, Anne Sylvestre continues to resonate in our heads, and for a long time to come.

Anne Sylvestre’s album is out November 25 (BC Musique)

All information on the official website

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