Two women went through hell | Extreme violence against women: he treated his girlfriend like a female dog

Isabelle* was literally treated like a dog by her tormentor. She was forced to bark, drink from the bowl on all fours, wear a leash. A slave burned, attacked and beaten. A true torturer, Patrick Jacob put two women through unspeakable hell. Stories of extreme violence. Among the worst in recent history.

“If I ask you to do something, you do it,” Patrick Jacob spits at his girlfriend.

The woman just stood up to him. She refuses to bark during sex. Patrick Jacob insists. And insists again. Isabelle shouts “ketchup”, their safe word [safeword]. Nothing works. Patrick Jacob strangles him with both hands. To the point of losing consciousness. When she wakes up, she is barely breathing. “I could have killed you,” he tells her.

The 40-year-old man pleaded guilty Wednesday at the Montreal courthouse to several charges, including sexual assault causing injury, sexual assault by strangling the victim and administering a drug to the victim. Last summer, he also admitted his guilt in a heinous story of violence against a woman.

The facts in this case are extremely disturbing.

Patrick Jacob put Isabelle through hell for several months. Their “BDSM” type sexual practice, which was initially consensual, quickly turned into pure and simple sexual slavery. Isabelle’s repeated refusals are ignored by Jacob, who becomes increasingly violent with her. He sexually assaults her on numerous occasions.

Patrick Jacob totally dehumanizes his victim. He describes her as his “slave”, his “female dog” and his “submissive”. He regularly burns her with a crack pipe during sexual assaults and asks her to beg him. “That way, you’ll be mine.” You’re going to be my female dog,” he said, burning her.

Every day, when he returns from work, Patrick Jacob puts a “choker” type dog choke collar around Isabelle’s neck. He then forces her to walk on all fours around the apartment. He also kicks her forward with steel-capped boots. Isabelle is forced to drink from the ground like an animal.

“She felt like a sexual object and was dehumanized,” summarizes Crown prosecutor Me Jessica Drolet exposing the facts.

Isabelle’s ordeal continues. Patrick Jacob tries to sell the woman’s sexual services and forces her to take photos in humiliating positions. These attempts, however, were unsuccessful. On one occasion, Jacob offers to sell a photo of Isabelle to a man in exchange for a threesome at McDonald’s.

Once, Patrick Jacob orders Isabelle to take a line of speed from the table. “Sniff,” he shouts. Isabelle refuses. Jacob then takes the woman’s head and forces her into drugs.

Patrick Jacob regularly hit Isabelle during the sexual assaults. On one occasion, he punched her in the face so violently that she still suffers from sharp pain today.

Very isolated and under the influence of her tormentor, Isabelle finally managed to take refuge in a shelter for women victims of domestic violence thanks to the help of a friend who paid her a bus ticket. When she was at the center, Patrick Jacob continued to send her sexual photos.

Judge Alexandre Dalmau ordered Wednesday to update the reports produced in another case. Patrick Jacob indeed pleaded guilty to serious charges last summer for another case of extreme violence against a woman, over whom he had strong psychological control.

“I told him, let me go. I’m bleeding ”

Geneviève* experienced a real ordeal at the hands of Patrick Jacob. Like Isabelle, she was sexually assaulted numerous times. Some attacks were extremely denigrating.

“I told him I was suffering. I told him “let me go. I’m bleeding. I am in pain.” But he had no limits. He didn’t care. He wanted to have sex. I was his object for coming,” Geneviève testified at the preliminary inquiry.

Once, he smothers her with a pillow as she sobs. On other occasions, he throws her out to pasture to deranged people who sexually assault her. Extremely degrading episodes. Once, Jacob takes her to a daycare, places a pillowcase over her head and a stranger begins to hit her as if to “tenderize meat.” Geneviève thinks she is dying.

Several times, Geneviève tried to get out of his grip. But when she screams for help, Patrick Jacob puts his fingers in her mouth and pushes her onto the bed. ” Shut up. You’re a crazy bitch,” he spits at the victim.

“The accused never has remorse or compassion towards him,” indicates the summary of the facts of around twenty pages.

One day, Geneviève contacted SOS Domestic Violence. A saving call. She then took $130 that she had hidden in a sock and fled. The taxi cost him exactly $127. This is the beginning of the end of his nightmare.

On the run for six months, Patrick Jacob was finally arrested in July 2021. He has been detained since.

Sentencing observations will take place next spring. A very severe sentence certainly awaits the accused.

Need help ?

If you are a victim of domestic violence and are looking for help and respite, contact SOS Violenceconjugale at 1 800 363-9010. Workers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

*Fictitious names to protect the identity of victims

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