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On Saturday May 21, the Médiapart site revealed the testimony of two women who accuse Damien Abad of rape. For one of the alleged victims, a report had been sent to the management of La République en Marche and to that of the Republicans, as well as to the public prosecutor.
First test for the government of Elisabeth Borne. Saturday May 21, Médiapart revealed the testimony of a young woman who claims to have been raped by Damien Abad, recently appointed Minister of Solidarity, Autonomy and Disabled People in 2010, while he was still a member of the Ain. Facts that were relayed to the Observatory of sexual violence in politics and then to the leadership of the Republican party and the presidential party. The prosecution was notified on May 20.
But it is not the only one to accuse the new minister. She had filed a complaint in 2017 for acts that had been committed in 2011. The case was closed at the time for lack of evidence. Today, the complainant is satisfied that a new accusation emerges. “We have the impression of not having dreamed, of not being alone”, she confided. Facts which Damien Abad thus defended himself: “These charges relate to acts that are simply impossible for me because of my disability.” The Paris prosecutor’s office said it was studying the new information communicated to it on Friday.