Two-thirds of Quebecers trust traditional media

Despite two years of pandemic and a rise in misinformation, 67% of Quebec adults trust traditional media “somewhat or totally”, reveals a study. A “comforting” statistic for the profession of journalist, according to experts.

Posted at 5:48 p.m.

William Theriault

William Theriault
The Press

Conversely, only 25% of respondents consider the information they see circulating on social networks to be credible, according to a NETendances survey carried out by the Academy of Digital Transformation of Laval University (ATN) among about 1000 people. In addition, 65% of Quebec adults have “little or no trust” in this type of publication.

These figures show that “people have the reflex not to trust social networks,” says Hervé Saint-Louis, professor of emerging media at the University of Quebec at Chicoutimi (UQAC). It requires a filter, a little more work. And people often don’t have time to do the verification. The mainstream media do the checking. So it’s good for journalism. It’s good news. »

In the United States, there is a bipartisan dynamic between sources of information, notes Hervé Saint-Louis. Republicans watch Fox News, while Democrats rely on CNN. “It’s a little more homogeneous here, he raises. Everyone does pretty much the same job. There is no ideological divide. It’s good for society to see that there isn’t a big conflict, and that’s why in general people trust the media. »

I find that comforting for someone who works in the field of information. It shows that the work of journalists and the media is still appreciated.

Bruno Guglielminetti, spokesperson for the NETendances surveys at the ATN

Social networks are progressing, TV remains strong

Even if a good part of Quebec adults give credibility to traditional media, the fact remains that a third of them use social media as their main source to keep up to date with the news, reveals the survey. NETrends. Among the youngest, this proportion increases: this is the case for 50% of 25-34 year olds, then 67% of 18-24 year olds.

Immigrants, for their part, are more numerous than the general population to obtain information on the web (57%) or to consult social networks. “It’s a link with their country of origin, summarizes Bruno Guglielminetti. It allows them to keep in touch with their friends thousands of miles away, but it’s also a way of getting information in their native language about what’s happening in the world. »

From now on, the paper newspaper reaches only 20% of the population, a consequence of the progressive withdrawal of the printing of the main newspapers. “It’s very low, points out Hervé Saint-Louis. People go to the web rather than the print version. »

Television remains the most popular vehicle for Quebecers to get information. In addition to social networks and the written press, TV (64%) dominates the web (43%), radio (31%), mobile applications (20%) and discussion forums (5%).

For Mr. Saint-Louis, the explanation is simple. “Television is one of the easiest media to access. You can easily take your remote control and pinball posts. The world has been doing this for over 60 years. And it also comes with the habit, like with the news broadcast at specific times. »

More and more dependent

On average, an adult Quebecer spends a little over 3.5 hours a day browsing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the like. Bruno Guglielminetti finds that this statistic “should raise questions about the influence of social networks”. Hervé Saint-Louis goes even further: he has the impression that people underestimate their usage time – and that they give an answer that does not represent reality.

And in general, 30% of Quebec adults say they “have trouble disconnecting”.

“The last two years have not helped, believes Bruno Guglielminetti. For the youngest, it is the tool for communications: work, friends, the companies they do business with, their entertainment choices… the web has become an essential place in their lives. »

“Based on recent years, usage will only increase,” he adds. Phones are easier to use and applications are always more interesting. So, it’s just normal that individuals find it enjoyable and convenient. »

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  • 71%
    Percentage of Quebec adults who use a mobile phone to access social networks. This number drops to 52% for computers, 29% for tablet computers, 10% for smart TVs and 3% for smart watches.

    Laval University Digital Transformation Academy

    Percentage of Quebec adults who agree that there are more and more negative comments on social networks. 66% of them think that the operators of these platforms should do more to moderate what is written there.

    Laval University Digital Transformation Academy

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