Among nurses who are victims or witnesses, more than a third (37%) report beatings in the exercise of their profession, almost half physical threats (45%), and three quarters (75%) report insults.
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A profession very affected by acts of violence. Two-thirds of the nurses questioned say they have already been victims of verbal or physical aggression in the exercise of their function, according to a survey by the Order of Nurses made public Thursday, May 25, on the sidelines of a meeting of the Ministry of Health. on caregiver safety.
According to the Order of Nurses, 66% of 31,281 nurses questioned for this study declared having been victims of aggression in their professional life, and 73% declared having witnessed this type of event. This is a lived situation “every week or so” for 15% of these nurses questioned between April and May. For 40% of respondents, these acts of violence occur at least “several times a year”.
Among nurses who are victims or witnesses, more than a third (37%) report beatings, almost half physical threats (45%), and three quarters (75%) report insults. Nearly 5% (4.97%) even mention the use of a weapon. The main causes of incidents mentioned are complaints related to care (48%), cognitive disorders (42%), state of intoxication or taking narcotics (23%), or even the time taken to wait deemed too long (28%).
“Treating the structural causes of violence”
More than half (54%) of nurses surveyed do not feel safe in their workplace, according to this survey. In order to prevent attacks and protect nurses, it is necessary to plan “a regime of reinforced sanctions” for aggressors and “better listening” the victims “on the part of the police and judicial authorities”, underlines the Order of Nurses. Must also “deal with the structural causes of violence, which cannot be reduced to the responsibility of their perpetrators: lack of staff, pressure on caregivers, disorganization leading to tension and overwork”he points.
A 37-year-old nurse, Carène Mezino, died on the night of Monday to Tuesday after being attacked with a knife at the Reims University Hospital where she worked. The attacker is a 59-year-old man with a serious psychiatric history. A medical secretary was also seriously injured.