An Ifop study, published Thursday, reveals the concern of a large majority of French employees about the use of artificial intelligence in their company.
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Will artificial intelligence one day dominate the world of work? While a Japanese woman admitted that ChatGPT had written 5% of the novel for which she won a literary prize, the question arises of the substitution of artificial intelligence for our human skills. The majority of French people are reluctant to do so, particularly in the world of work, according to an Ifop/Flashs study carried out for the site, published Thursday January 18.
Thus, 51% of French people interviewed for the purposes of the study are worried about the development of artificial intelligence in recent years. Only 14% say they are enthusiastic. A difference in appreciation that evolves depending on the generation: 31% of those aged 18-29 are concerned about AI, compared to 59% of those over 60.
Well-being, development of skills, performance
Among those who have already used AI at work, 55% admit to having done so without informing their superiors. And even 68% of French people surveyed anticipate negative consequences for their business. Four out of ten employees believe that artificial intelligence will eventually be able to carry out most of their work and 27% believe that this transfer will take place within the next 10 years.
There are also 41% of employees who fear consequences on the sustainability of their employment, while 31% believe that AI could have a negative impact on the development of their skills. A pessimism qualified by the positive consequences envisaged on the quality of life at work: 35% of French people questioned believe that their professional well-being will be improved, 39% have no opinion and 26% envisage a negative effect.
Due to these concerns, barely one in ten workers believe they are working in a profession of the future, three times fewer than 50 years ago. Note that 63% of employees say they do not want to be trained in artificial intelligence from a professional perspective.