Guest of CNews, Christophe Béchu reported “very serious concerns” in certain regions such as the Rhone Valley and the Mediterranean coast.
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“Two-thirds” groundwater levels in mainland France are still at a level “below seasonal averages”, announced the Minister of Ecological Transition, Christophe Béchu, Wednesday, June 14, on CNews. He also reported on“very serious concerns” in certain areas such as the Rhone Valley and the Mediterranean coast.
>> MAPS. Drought: follow in real time the level of groundwater and watercourses in France
The Geological and Mining Research Bureau (BRGM), in charge of groundwater monitoring, is due to publish its full report for the month of May this afternoon. A month ago 68% of the water tables were at moderately low to very low levels in France, reinforcing fears of a new summer drought comparable or even worse to that of 2022.