Two teens shine at the Hydro-Québec science fair with algae to purify the air in the classroom

Who would have thought that algae could make school more enjoyable? Two teenagers have proven it! Their invention reduces carbon dioxide (CO2) in classes, helping to avoid headaches, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. We present them to you!

Mickael Plante, 17, and Zachary Dostie, 16, shone at the 2024 edition of the Super Expo-sciences Hydro-Québec, organized by the Réseau Technoscience. Their project, Algae saves studentscaused a sensation by proposing an ingenious solution to reduce CO2 in classrooms. This gas can cause discomfort when present in too great a quantity.

How does your invention work?

Mickael: Plants produce photosynthesis, that is to say they absorb CO2 and reject O2 (oxygen). So when there is too much CO2 In the classrooms, our system, which works with micro-algae, can absorb it.

Why did you choose microalgae?

Zachary: Microalgae are more efficient than trees for this kind of project. Trees produce CO2 at night when they breathe, which is not ideal for classroom use. Other options were either too expensive or too complicated to set up. Microalgae are simple to manage and we found a method to keep them healthy for as long as possible.

What was your biggest challenge?

Zachary: Finding microalgae was not easy. We also had to learn how to properly maintain them so that they would stay alive at the school.

Has your project changed your life?

Zachary: Absolutely! It opened my eyes to what I wanted to do in the future, like engineering design. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had.

Mickael: This project allowed us to explore scientific fields that we did not know before. Chemistry, engineering, all this taught us a lot and opened doors for the future.

What advice would you give to young people who want to get involved in scientific projects?

Mickael: No idea is too crazy! With science, you can accomplish great things.

Mickael and Zachary have already proven that their microalgae-based air purifier works. Their next challenge? Developing their invention on a larger scale. To do this, they have collaborated with research centers and companies, hoping that their solution can one day be used in classrooms in Quebec, and why not, around the world!

By Mina Dromard – Intern

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