two studies reassure on vaccination during pregnancy

One of the studies demonstrates in particular that there is no risk of miscarriage or premature birth with messenger RNA vaccines.

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Reassuring conclusions. Messenger RNA anti-Covid vaccines pose little risk in pregnant women according to two recent studies. One of them shows in particular that there is no particular danger of miscarriage or premature birth.

The first, published last week in the Lancet Infectious Diseases, evaluates the immediate risks of side effects in pregnant women after a messenger RNA vaccine. The second, published Thursday August 18 in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) measures longer-term risks in childbirth.

Both studies present reassuring conclusions about these vaccines, one developed by Pfizer/BioNTech and the other by Moderna, which are at the heart of anti-Covid vaccination in several countries such as France. “Covid-19 vaccination during pregnancy is not associated with a higher risk of preterm birth [ou] of miscarriage”sum up the BMJ authors, also concluding that there is no danger that the newborn will be abnormally small.

This work, conducted in Canada, retrospectively studied more than 85,000 births or miscarriages that occurred between May and December 2021. In about half of the cases, the mother had received one or two doses of the Covid vaccine – mostly to messenger RNA – during her pregnancy. Ultimately, pregnancy outcome is not different in this group.

As for the immediate side effects of messenger RNA vaccines, they are generally not more frequent during pregnancy, according to the Lancet Infectious Diseases study. The authors compared the data of more than 5,000 women vaccinated during their pregnancy with those of some 300 pregnant and unvaccinated women.

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