Two seriously injured on the road in a frontal impact in Charente-Maritime

A face to face between two cars caused two serious injuries this Friday evening in the town of Bouhet. The two drivers aged 60 and 46 had to be evacuated to the Poitiers University Hospital. They were in “absolute emergency”

The accident, a frontal impact took place around 8:30 p.m. in Bouhet north of Aigrefeuille-d’Aunis in Charente-Maritime, on departmental road 116, chemin de Bouhet.
Upon their arrival the emergency services had to extricate the two drivers. Firefighters transported a 46-year-old man in absolute emergency to the La Rochelle hospital center. He was then evacuated to the University Hospital of Poitiers by the SMUR de la Vienne helicopter. At the same time, the other injured driver was transported by the Dragon 17 civil security helicopter, also to the Poitiers hospital center. The two men were last night in “absolute emergency”.

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