Two Ragazzi awards for La Watermelon

Two books from La Pastèque editions won a Ragazzi prize, one of the most prestigious international awards in children’s literature.

Posted at 11:00 a.m.

Emilie Cote

Emilie Cote
The Press

Who owns the clouds?, by Gérard DuBois and Mario Brassard, won the Ragazzi Prize in the fiction category, while Sacred Monsters – Journey to the Heart of Volcanoes, by Julie Roberge and Aless MC, stands out in the category nonfiction (documentary).

It is a first in the history of the Ragazzi Awards that a publishing house is awarded simultaneously in both categories.

Who owns the clouds?, who also deserved a Governor General’s Award, immerses us in the memories of Mila, who knew the war. As for Sacred Monsters: Journey to the Heart of Volcanoesthis is a journey through the most famous lava monsters.

Let us recall that the editions of La Pastèque won a Ragazzi prize eight years ago for the album Marguerite’s Christmas of India Desjardins and Pascal Blanchet.

The Ragazzi Prizes are in a way the Gala of the Oscars of children’s literature.

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