Two people were arrested for death threats to Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

Two people have reportedly been arrested for death threats against Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois since the last election campaign.

This is what the co-spokesperson for Québec solidaire (QS) revealed Thursday morning, in the wake of the controversy between him and columnist Gilles Proulx.

He believes that the statements made by the commentator to QUB radio endanger the safety of his family.

“Comments like that in the public space can have an effect, it can give bad ideas,” he said in a press scrum in parliament.

“I’m convinced that wasn’t Mr. Proulx’s intention, huh? But hateful, violent remarks feed a climate which is already harmful, which is already filled with violence and hatred towards politicians. »

It was then that he illustrated his point by revealing that he had received death threats and that two people had been arrested.

On social media

According to details obtained from the office of the parliamentary leader of the second opposition, these are death threats that had been made on social media during the election campaign.

It was the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions (DPCP) who confirmed that two charges against two people had been filed, it was added.

One of the two cases was publicized. This is Benoit Kierans, of Franklin, in Montérégie, who pleaded not guilty to two counts of threatening last fall.

The Canadian Press is unable to confirm whether charges were filed against the second person who was allegedly arrested.

All the threats that QS says he has received have been reported to the Sûreté du Québec (SQ), the party said.

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