two people isolated by helicopter water in Donville-Les-Bains

High tides are a delight for fishermen on foot, but can quickly become dangerous. This Sunday, April 17, two people found themselves isolated by the tide near Donville-Les-Bains. Alerted, the Cross Jobourg engages the Dragon 50 civil security helicopter. The two people were able to be airlifted and brought back to earth safe and sound.

However, the maritime prefecture reminds the dangers that these high tides can present. “High tides have the effect of increasing the tidal range (difference between the height of high tide and that of low tide), with greater mixing of seawater and faster upwelling. indicates the maritime prefecture in a press release, “They therefore make sea currents stronger and the sea more dangerous, creating an increased risk of isolation by the tide.” It is therefore essential to be well informed about the tide timesespecially at the foot of cliffs where it can be more difficult to find refuge.

It is therefore necessary to have good reflexes that the maritime prefecture recalls here:

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