two OM players affected by Covid-19

Marseille moves to Limoges to face Chauvigny (N3) on Sunday.

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The list of cases of players positive for Covid-19 has continued to swell in recent days. Friday, December 31, it is Olympique de Marseille, through the voice of his Jorge Sampaoli at a press conference, who announced the contamination of two of his players, without naming them. They will miss the trip to Limoges on Sunday to face Chauvigny (N3) in the round of 16 of the Coupe de France.

“Here at Olympique de Marseille for the moment there are only two cases, two players, who are affected and therefore absent from the group for this match, Sampaoli explained. We will still have to take a lot of precautions to face what will happen because I think the Covid will be decisive in the coming weeks “.

Sunday, the 16th final against the fans of Chauvigny will be contested in front of an audience whose size was reduced to 8,000 spectators by the Prefect of Haute-Vienne. For now, even if the Covid-19 hits hard, no Coupe de France meeting has been postponed.

Only the Nice match will not take place, after the exclusion from the competition of its two potential opponents, Paris FC and Olympique Lyonnais, due to violence caused by their supporters.


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