Two new robberies in the Dordogne, the same individual wanted

This is France Bleu Périgord information. Two days after the armed robbery of the Intermarché de Chancelade in the Dordogne, two new robberies took place this Wednesday, August 24 in the early evening, at Lidl and Grand Frais de Chancelade. Shortly before the shops closed, an individual entered the supermarkets and threatened people with a weapon. According to the Périgueux prosecutor’s office, it would probably be the same person who robbed the Intermarché de Chancelade using a handgun on Monday afternoon.

“Same modus operandi”

The Périgueux prosecutor’s office indicates that there are no injuries. But the investigators suspect the same man as during the first robbery on Monday, at the Intermarché de Chancelade because the individual would have acted according to “the same modus operandi”, says the floor. He first robbed the Lidl before entering the Grand Frais store. According to a shopkeeper who works next door, he entered the store around 7:40 p.m. screaming “quick quick !”. He was quite old, wore a cap, sunglasses and a cloth mask, exactly like two days ago. He would then have shown a gun, before taking away a crate, “less than 200 euros” according to the witness. The scene lasted barely three minutes.

The man is still wanted

In his run, the individual dropped a large black bag behind him. On Monday, he took “less than 2,000 euros”according to the director of the Intermarché near the exhibition center. He then fled in a gray car stolen from a client, but CCTV cameras do not show whether he left in the same car on Wednesday. The Périgueux public prosecutor’s office has opened an investigation for theft with a weapon. The police are still looking for him.

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