Two new resolutions on the Israel-Hamas war rejected at the Security Council

The UN Security Council once again exposed its divisions on Wednesday on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, rejecting two competing Russian and American draft resolutions on the war between Israel and Hamas.

The text drawn up by the United States called for “a rapid expansion of humanitarian assistance […] to meet the dire, urgent humanitarian needs of the Palestinians in Gaza,” explained US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

It also affirmed “the right of all states to self-defense” and called for “humanitarian pauses.”

The attack carried out by Hamas in Israel on October 7 and the reprisals carried out by the Israeli army in the Gaza Strip have so far left more than 1,400 dead in Israel, according to the authorities, and more than 6,500 in the Palestinian territory. , according to the Islamist movement, mainly civilians on both sides.

The American text was blocked by vetoes from Russia and China, receiving 10 votes for, 3 against (Russia, China and United Arab Emirates) and 2 abstentions.

Chinese Ambassador Jun Zhang described a text as “largely unbalanced, confusing good and evil”, while Russian Vassili Nebenzia condemned a document mainly “intended to consolidate the American position in the region”. Russia had especially insisted in recent days on the absence in the American text of a clear call for a “ceasefire”.

“Although today’s vote is a setback, we are not discouraged,” assured Linda Thomas-Greenfield, conversely accusing Russia of “bad faith”, with its resolution aiming more to “divide the Council to meet the needs of Israelis and Palestinians.”

This second text prepared by Russia, which called for an immediate “humanitarian ceasefire” and condemned the “abominable attacks of Hamas” was also rejected, collecting only 4 votes in favor (Russia, China, United Arab Emirates, Gabon), two against (United States and United Kingdom) and 9 abstentions.

The United Kingdom could not support a text “which once again did not recognize Israel’s right to defend itself,” declared British Ambassador Barbara Woodward.

In less than two weeks, the Council rejected four draft resolutions, exposing its divisions and causing frustration among a number of diplomats at the Council’s inability to act on 19e day of the war between Israel and Hamas.

According to a diplomatic source, France had also tried in vain, just before the votes, to convince Russia and the United States to withdraw their texts.

On behalf of the 10 non-permanent countries of the Council, Malta will now work on a new proposal. “We have a duty and an obligation to act,” argued its ambassador Vanessa Frazier.

Last week, a first Russian text was not adopted, receiving five votes in its favor, while at least nine votes are necessary (without a veto from one of the five permanent members).

The United States vetoed a resolution drawn up by Brazil, which received 12 votes in its favor.

Faced with the displayed division of the Security Council, the UN General Assembly will take up the issue at a meeting on Thursday and Friday.

Although the resolutions of the Assembly, which represents all UN member states, are not binding, Arab countries have proposed a text that could be put to a vote this week.

This project seen by AFP calls in particular for an “immediate ceasefire” and “unhindered” humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip.

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