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The largest plant in Western Europe is located in Gravelines, in the North. Two new, more powerful EPRs may soon be built there. What do we think of it on the spot?
Gravelines (North) has six nuclear reactors, and perhaps two new ones soon. Two much more powerful EPRs, a few kilometers from certain inhabitants. “I don’t know what we would do without a power station, so maybe it’s normal for things to evolve like this“, says a resident. Since its construction 40 years ago, the plant has paid 4 billion euros in taxes and fees to local communities.
A part benefits the city of Gravelines and its numerous infrastructures. In total in the region, 15,000 jobs are directly or indirectly linked to the EDF site, such as at ADF, an engineering and maintenance company which employs 100 people, and which could develop its activity with the construction of two new EPR. But some residents say they are worried about the arrival of these new, much more powerful reactors. If the project sees the light of day, the first EPR reactor could enter service by 2035.