two new complaints against journalist Patrick Poivre d’Arvor

Two new complaints for rape and sexual assault were filed against Patrick Poivre d’Arvor, for facts dating back to 1985 and 2013.

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Two new women have filed a complaint against Patrick Poivre d’Arvor for rape and sexual assault, franceinfo learned Friday, December 10 from their lawyer, confirming the information from TF1 and LCI. A rape complaint was filed this Thursday by a woman, another woman had filed a complaint Tuesday, December 7 for sexual assault.

The rape complaint concerns facts which occurred, according to the complainant, in 1985 at the Cannes Film Festival. At the time as a trainee, PPDA would have offered to have a drink on her terms, which she agreed to, before dragging her (by force according to the woman) into her hotel room and raping her. The complainant talks about it to several people who all dissuade her from filing a complaint, given the journalist’s stature.

The second complaint was lodged by a woman for facts dating back to 2013. She was 23 at the time and worked in a Club Med hotel in Valmorel, in Savoie. She says she was sexually assaulted by the television reporter.

These two women file a complaint for all the victims who hesitate, and in the wake of the 23 testimonies of women, nine of whom had chosen to file a complaint for rape, sexual assault or sexual harassment against the journalist, including the writer Florence Porcel.

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