Two more Canadair arrive from Nîmes

Two more Canadairs for the “Pélican” base in Corsica will arrive this Wednesday at Ajaccio. Information confirmed by the Prefecture of Corsica on Tuesday.

The devices will take off from the base of Nîmes, in the Gard this Wednesday. Added to those already present, they will bring to 4 the number of aircraft operational for the island temporarily.

Even though there is no particular fire risk expected in Corsica over the next few days, this reinforcement is welcome, as the soils, watered for a time in recent days by heavy stormy rains, remain dry overall.

This is actually a precaution, before the expected arrival of strong storms in the Gard department. These could disrupt the Canadair during their take-off, in the event of an intervention departure.

Two other aircraft positioned in Nîmes are sent to the base of Perpignan for the same reasons.

source site-38