two months after the controversy, a member of the distribution puts pressure on him!

We remember: May 27, 2023, receiving the Palme d’Or for his film Anatomy of a fallJustine Triet had launched into a very cash political speech, paying homage to the “historic, extremely powerful, unanimous protest against pension reform”and aimed directly at the government The commodification of culture that the neoliberal government defends is in the process of breaking the French cultural exception, this same cultural exception without which I will not be here in front of you”, she firmly advanced between boos and applause from the public of the Palais des Festivals. Rima Abdul Malak, the Minister of Culture, immediately reacted on Twitter, expressing her dismay at the words of the director: “Stunned by his unfair speech”she wrote, recalling that the French model of cinema allows a “unique diversity in the world”. While the left hailed the courageous speech of the director, Jean-Luc Mélenchon in the lead, who tweeted: “Cannes is returning to its tradition. It is the resistant left that created this festival.”

See also: After Cannes, Justine Triet has just received her second prize, that of the CGT!

“The spectators came to meet Justine…”

But this controversy does not seem to have had a negative impact on the public according to Xavier Hirigoyen, the distribution director of the Pactwhich , according to comments reported by our colleagues fromFull screen :“During the rare public screenings that we have organised, the spectators came to meet Justine to thank her for her speech engaged.” On the strength of this reception, the distributor decided to set the release date ofAnatomy of a fall At next august 23 and pull out all the stops to put the director and her film in the spotlight! Objective: exceed one million entries. “If we refer to 120 beats per minute and its 850,000 admissions after winning a Grand Prix at Cannes, I think the Palme d’or effect can double this result and that we can attract more than one and a half million spectators in theatres,” explains Xavier Hirigoyen. And to do this, the distribution director of the Pactwhich had previously released Victoria (more than 650,000 entries) then Sibyl (340,000 admissions), intends to benefit from wide theatrical distribution for this film, which has won the acclaim of the Afcae label, MK2, Pathé cinemas, as well as the UGC M label, multiply previews, create two different posters widely distributed, especially in stations during this holiday period, clips for the cinema and TV spots on France Télévisions and Canal+ as well as very significant media exposure: “Here, all the journalists want to talk to Justine Triet. Both the generalist, feminine and specialized press”. A program more than loaded in sight for Justine Triet who will certainly not take a vacation this summer!


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