two minors admit to having killed her


Video duration:
1 minute


Saturday September 16, young Shana disappeared without a trace in the south of Reunion. On Wednesday, two ringleaders aged 14 and 16 confessed to killing him to see what it felt like. On the island, the people of Reunion are in shock.

A terrible crime, recognized by two young minors with a detachment described as “chilling” by investigators. Young Shana, 16, had not given any sign of life since Saturday September 16. And for good reason, she was the victim of an ambush. Originally from Saint-Denis in the north of Reunion, she told her father that she was going to sleep with a friend in Saint-Pierre, in the south of the island. After informing him of her arrival, she no longer responded to him. He then alerts the police who open an investigation.

Two teenagers summoned

Through Shana’s telephone data, investigators trace a 14-year-old girl with whom she came into contact a week ago and a 16-year-old friend of hers. They were summoned to the police station on Wednesday and then made a revelation to stunned police officers. They confess to committing Shana’s murder to see what it felt like. They first strangled her, then threw stones at her face, before leaving her for dead in an old factory. On site, investigators found the body of the missing woman. Since the announcement of the young girl’s death, all of Reunion Island has been in shock.

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