Two miners arrested following the fire which destroyed the Clécy Gliss toboggan ride

Two people were arrested on Friday August 12 by the policeas part of the gendarmerie’s investigation to try to understand the origin of the fire which devastated Clécy Gliss, the toboggan ride on rails in Clécy (Calvados), in Normandy Switzerland, on Wednesday night August 10 to Thursday August 11.

Two minors from Seine-Maritime

According to the public prosecutor of Caen Amélie Cladière, these two suspects would be minors, from Rouen and Le Havrein Seine-Maritime.

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The technical room and the snack bar, where drinks and food were served, were completely destroyed by the flames. At least one door was broken and several objects were stolen, which had quickly tipped the investigators towards the criminal trail.

The consequences of this fire were significant for the two owners of the place and for their three employees, all of whom are now technically unemployed. The two managers of the attraction had just bought it.

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