Two million Ukrainian refugees, the American embargo on Russian gas and oil… The informed of Tuesday, March 8

Around Jean-Francois Achillthe informed discuss the news of Tuesday, March 8.

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Reading time : 1 min.

Around Jean-Francois Achillthe informed discuss the news of Tuesday, March 8.

The themes :

– War in Ukraine : US President Joe Biden has ordered an embargo on US imports of Russian oil and gas in order to increase the sanctions imposed on Russia. This decision was made “in close coordination” with US allies, he said.

– Zelensky promises to fight “to the end”: “We will fight until the end”, declared before the British parliament Volodymyr Zelensky, invoking Winston Churchill. The Ukrainian president was speaking by video link, during an intervention aimed at obtaining more support for his country after the Russian invasion.

The informed:

-Audrey Goutardeditor-in-chief of the investigation and reporting department at France Télévisions.

– Sophie de Ravinel, Senior political reporter at the newspaper the Figaro.

– Patrick Le Hyaric columnist at Humanity, former MEP from 2009 to 2019 in the Left Group.

– Gaspard Gantzer, president of Gantzer Agency, former adviser to François Hollande, teacher at SciencesPo

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