two men suspected of having raped and kidnapped a 14-year-old girl indicted

The two men aged 27 and 64 suspected of having raped and kidnapped a 14-year-old minor on Friday January 14 in the 15th arrondissement of Marseille were indicted and remanded in custody, Marseille prosecutor Dominique said on Sunday. Laurens.

Two men aged 27 and 64 were charged with sequestration and rape of a 15-year-old minor. They were placed in pre-trial detention on Sunday, we learned from the prosecution.

On Friday, around 5 a.m., a A 14-year-old girl, on the run, had called for help from her family in Ardèche, because she was kidnapped and had been raped several times.

It was thanks to the geolocation of her cell phone on Snapchat and exchanges on Instagram that the Marseille police managed to locate her, when she did not know where she was.

The two men indicted this Sunday do not dispute the reality of sexual intercourse but say they were not aware of the girl’s age. They claim the relationship was consensual. The medical examinations carried out by the teenager tend to prove the opposite, according to a police source. The respondents also deny having kidnapped the young girl.

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