Two M/F cooks are urgently needed at the Meynardie hospital in St-Privat in Périgord

The CHIC-RDD (Centre Hospitalier Inter Communal Ribérac Dronne Double) is urgently looking for 2 cooks, holders of a cooking diploma and valid health pass, for positions in the collective kitchen of the Meynardie hospital in St-Privat in Périgord 24410.

The cook is part of a team of 8 agents, he prepares the meals according to the various EHPAD diets. Work 7h30/day, 104 days of weekly rest/year (4 every 2 weeks including 1 weekend), 14 RTT days/year, 25 days of annual leave/year (3 possible), 11 public holidays/year.

Employment is on a fixed-term contract, renewable over defined periods, until potential obtaining of a permanent contract depending on the way of serving, or even subsequent tenure.

Practical information

To apply or for more information, do not hesitate to write an email to [email protected] or to call 05 53 92 61 31 or [email protected] or 05 53 92 48 21.

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