two large deer killed by hunters



France 2

Article written by

R.Miri, R.Moquillon, C. Verove, A.Husser, P.Ngankam – France 2

France Televisions

In the Oise, two large deer were slaughtered this month. The local hunting federation itself has disowned those who killed them.

It was an emblem of a forest in Compiègne (Oise). One of the most majestic deer in the region has been shot by hunters. He was called the Spider by specialists. A few days earlier, another large deer, nicknamed the Square, was killed. A huge loss for walkers, but also for those used to immortalize them. “It’s a very small hunting lot, and each year they have two deer to kill, each time they are very large deer.“, explains Gaëtan Martin, wildlife photographer.

A feeling shared by some residents who do not understand what they call a trophy race. Open since the end of September, hunting is authorized from September until February. It therefore occurs during the reproductive period of deer. The local hunting federation itself disavows those who killed the two large deer, and has reduced their hunting rights for the next year.

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