two large agricultural terminals bombed in the port city of Mykolaiv

What there is to know

Russian bombardments hit two agricultural terminals on Wednesday June 22 in the port city of Mykolaiv (Ukraine), their operators, the Bunge and Viterra trading houses, announced to AFP. The Evri port terminal, dedicated to vegetable oils, was “damaged by missile attack”, said a spokesperson for the Viterra group. Bunge’s facilities have been “hit in the latest Russian attacks in the region”. For now, the exact extent of the damage is not yet known. Follow our live.

Ukraine suspended from decision on EU membership. The fate of Ukraine is being played out in Brussels where the Twenty-Seven are considering Thursday its status as a candidate for membership of the European Union. A highly symbolic milestone nearly four months after its invasion by the Russian army.

Russian troops continue to advance in eastern Ukraine. Forces from Moscow advance towards the strategic cities of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. artillery Russian “completely destroyed” Lysychansk, according to Ukrainian officials. A representative of pro-Russian separatists said Ukrainian forces defending the two communes were about to be surrounded, after weeks of fighting.

At least 22,000 people have died in Mariupol since the start of the invasion, according to the mayor. Local elected official Vadim Boychenko described this estimate as “cautious”during a press conference on Wednesday. “It’s much more than in two years of occupation by Nazi Germany”, added the official. Still according to the city councilor, 100,000 people still live in this town now controlled by the Russian army.

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