two Georgians specializing in stealing razor blades were sentenced to prison

The gendarmes of Tours put an end, last Wednesday, to the action of two Georgian nationals who scoured the supermarkets from all over France. They were specialized in the theft of razor blades thanks to an electronic device that neutralizes the anti-theft gates of stores. They were sentenced last Friday by the Correctional Court of Tours to 12 and 8 months in prison.

The thieves caught in the tail

It was from the town of Chambray-lès-Tours that the investigators were able to shadow the two individuals. It’s after a journey of 7 flights that they could be arrested in the Loir-et-Cher last Wednesday. Amount of damage in Indre-et-Loire, more than 10,000 euro. Two other thefts, this time in Puy-de-Dôme, are also attributed to them. Their vehicle had been reported throughout France in recent weeks.

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