Two Fringants Cowboys present at the tribute to Karl Tremblay

At L’Assomption, several thousand people came to the heart of the city to sing and celebrate the memory of Karl Tremblay. They were treated to an unexpected surprise: two members of the Cowboys Fringants came to greet them and thank them briefly.

Indeed, Jean-François Pauzé and Marie-Annick Lépine, both residents of L’Assomption, arrived around 8 p.m. in a marked car. Seeing them take the stage, the crowd exploded. The lights, candles and lanterns held at arm’s length quickly formed a sea of ​​fireflies which surged from the stage to the street. Several spectators cried. Others shouted, “We love you.”

“Thank you very much on behalf of Karl,” said Jean-François Pauzé. Karl was a humble and modest person and he would have been the first to be surprised by all this love. It is very beautiful. »


Several thousand people came to pay tribute to the memory of Karl Tremblay

Marie-Annick Lépine, Karl Tremblay’s partner, also spoke. “My man, our great Karl Tremblay was extremely kind. He thought of others and was always in a good mood. He was an exceptional being. He was a sensitive man who allowed himself to cry, often in front of the beauty and happiness of happy people. He said that it was the beauty of the world that we should be ecstatic about. »

She added that the singer wanted to be buried at L’Assomption, “where he spent the best years of his life. »

Jean-Francois Pauzé then thanked the City of L’Assomption which decided to rename the public square, place Karl Tremblay. “He deserves it in tabarnak. »

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