two French women tried for “conspiracy”, the dictatorial drift of President Daniel Ortega

Jeannine Horvilleur, 63, and her daughter Ana, 43, are in solitary confinement in a prison in Managua, “el Chipote”, which once served as a torture center. They are accused of having conspired”to undermine the national integrity“and to have”spread false information“. In reality, the two Franco-Nicaraguan women are above all guilty of being the wife and daughter of the leader of the opposition to power in Nicaragua, Javier Alvarez.

On the day of their arrest, he managed to flee and take refuge in Costa Rica. Her son-in-law was also arrested. Preliminary hearings to set a trial date for the two women are scheduled for October 13, 18 and 21.

In the meantime, their loved ones have “no information“, do not know “absolutely nothing“, says Javier Alvarez in an interview with the media Confidential.

Their situation bears witness to the repressive escalation in which Nicaragua has embarked. More than 200 opponents are already in prison or under house arrest. Most are accused of betrayal to the fatherland », « money laundering ” Where ” cyber crimes according to the freedom-killing laws passed at the end of 2020.
In one year, around thirty overly critical newspapers, radios and televisions have been closed, at least 150 journalists have left the country. The list of banned NGOs grows every day (there are now more than 2000).

This summer, a bishop was put under house arrest and priests thrown into prison. Daniel Ortega does not forgive the church for having helped protesters during the major demonstrations against the power which had killed more than 355 people in 2018. Today, therefore, it is the relatives of the wanted people who become targets at their round.

Foreigners are not spared: the France Diplomatie site recalls that it is “recommended to observe the greatest reserve in the expression of a political opinion, including online or on social networks. Joining any demonstrations or gatherings is discouraged. As a reminder, the participation of foreigners in the political life of the country is prohibited by Nicaraguan law under penalty of expulsion.“.

Nicaragua is increasingly isolated on the international scene: the former Sandinista revolutionary turned dictator, re-elected in November for a fourth term – it was easy, all his opponents were in prison or in exile and the absentee rate reached 80% – accumulates mood gestures.

Friday, September 30, Daniel Ortega has severed diplomatic relations with the Netherlands, calling the Dutch government “ainterventionist” and of “neocolonial”. The Hague had just announced its withdrawal from a hospital funding project, due to lack of progress in the country in terms of respect for human rights. The next day, police officers escorted the European Union ambassador to the airport: at the Human Rights Council in Geneva, a representative of the 27 asked Managua to “restoresr” democracy. Goodbye the diplomat.

Ortega also refuses to let in the new American ambassador, who recently used the word “dictatorship” during his hearing by the Senate during his nomination procedure. In March, the strongman of Managua had even cleared manu militari the Vatican ambassador, an unprecedented decision in the world. His relations with the church have been very strained since 2018.

Its drift has already earned it a whole series of sanctions from the European Union and the United States for four years. Brussels, which intends answer “in a firm and proportionate way” in Managua, should strengthen them.

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